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Products' introduction—— You will know more about our product. ZincTop Line  

ZincTop Line cold galanvizing compound provide qualified protection for power facilities, steel structure, tunnel, platform, ship, bridge, oilcan, water gate etc.With unique polymer and purity of 99.996% zinc powder, ZincTop line combined them proof from corrosion dipping in and further damage. It can be the best replacement for hot/dipping galavanizing.

Followings are documents of the products, you can download them after click on.

1.APCZT cold galavanzing compound outline spceification

2.APCZT cold galavanzing compound full spcification

3.Surface preparation instruction

ZincTop Chemical Technology (Shanghai) LTD.,

NO. 3878,Nanfeng Road, District Fengxian, Shanghai 201414

Tel: 86 021 61995108

Fax: 86 021 33275397

M.P.: 86 18019733398

E-mail: Zinctop@hotmail.com

All copy right reserved ZincTop Inc. 2012-2022
Regist & authorized No.沪ICP备12037119-1号. 我要啦免费统计
Reference Website: Steel Structures Painting Coucil (SSPC)   National Association of Corrosion Engineer USA (NACE)

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